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Weaver Lake Town Office Park
11262 86th Avenue North
Maple Grove, MN 55369

From the South: 94/694 to Hemlock North or follow Hemlock North past Arbor Lakes shopping area, through the Maple Grove gravel pits. Hemlock turns into Zachary. Continue on Zachary (1) block past 85th Avenue North or Weaver Lake Road to 86th Avenue North. Take a Left on 86th Avenue North (West). 86th Avenue North is a dead end cul de sac. Continue to the end of the the cul de sac. Take the last right into Weaver Lake Town Office Park and an immediate left. Amazing Threads faces 85th Avenue. Wind around the office park to the front of the shop.

From the North: 94 East to Weaver Lake Road. Weaver Lake Road East to Zachary Lane North to 86th Avenue North East. (Follow directions above). OR Hwy 169 South to 85th Avenue West to Zachary Ln. North to 86th Avenue East. (Follow directions above).

Hours for Shopping in-store or curbside pick up:  Monday, Friday, & Saturday: 10:00AM-5:00PM;
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10:00AM-7:00PM, Sundays 12:00PM-4:00PM
11262 86th Avenue North    Maple Grove, MN  55369   763-391-7700