Amazing Threads - Christmas in July Sale 20-40% Savings; Baah Restocked; Anzula Restocked & more

We are celebrating Christmas in July!

Our Annual Mid-Season & Summer Clearance

Loft is 40% OFF & it has been restocked with great buys!
All Rowan Yarn and Books are 30% OFF - Rowan in the Loft is 40% OFF
Misti Alpaca Yarns & Chunky Alpaca 30% OFF
Geilsk Yarn 30% Off
Trendsetter Duchess (cashmere blend) 30% OFF
Most Cotton & Cotton Blends are 20% OFF
Select Project Knitting Bags 20% OFF
Berroco Vintage 20% OFF
Classic Elite Yarns 20% OFF
Anzula It Could BE Worsted 20% OFF
HiKoo SimpliWorsted, HiKoo Cria, HiKoo Kensington 20% OFF
Debbie Bliss Donegal Tweed 20%
Ella Rae Cozy Prints 20% OFF
Shibui Linen & DK Alpaca 30% OFF
All Noro 20% OFF
Schulana Silk 20% OFF
Hand Dyed Alpaca Scarves & Silk Leggings 20% OFF
Creative with Clay: Yarn bowls and mugs are 25% OFF

Online Shoppers ~~ Call the Shop to place your order if products you want don't reflect a discount..we are in the shop to help you and have staff to assist!
Sale is limited to stock on hand and discount cannot be combined with any other discount or coupon. All sales final.

Mira of Baah Yarns

For more information check out Martina Behm's Pool & Conquer

We are restocked on Dipped and Dappled as well!

New & Restocked Bags from Plymouth Yarns - Lovely and hand made!

New Samples in yarns we LOVE!

Classes & KALs
A couple of spots left to knit one of Martina Behm's great shawls with Mary Jane: 2 sessions July 28 & August 11 Choose your favorite to knit!

Gidget Tee starts Wednesday August 3: 4-6 pm

Learn to Crochet starts Saturday, August 6: 12-2 pm

Attention Span Hat with MaryJane starts August 3: 5-7pm

NEW August Class: 3 Color Shawl/Cowl - 3 sessions
Thursdays, August 4, 11 & 25 ~ 6-8 pm with Kate

Oh, this is a lovely little pattern to let the days go by while peacefully knitting away…
There are no complex stitches in this cowl, just putting together some stripes, texture and lace as they suit you best. A FUN knit!

Join Deb to finish works in progress on Saturday, August 20 : 10 am-2 pm
Deb can help with any and all projects!
Freebies & Resources
Quincy ~ Love in Plymouth Worsted Superwash

Winne Halloween Wreath -

Zing Cowl done in Super Bulky in Rasta or Funky Chunky

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11262 86th Avenue North
Maple Grove, MN 55369