Amazing Threads - Twelve Days of Shopping Steals (needles), Holiday Hours, Tiny Elf, Freebies...

Christmas/Hanukkah/New Year 

Close @ 3:00 pm on Christmas Eve ~ Closed Christmas DAYClose @ 4 pm New Year's Eve ~ Closed New Year's Day (1-1-17)

4 DAYS TO GO...and there is still yarn on my needles!

Holiday Gift Ideas!
Holiday Yarn Bucks ARE HERE! $15 in Holiday bucks for every $100 gift card purchased December 1 to December 24. Bucks Good January 2-15, 2016

I have had requests for an alternative payment method to join the club. We can break the cost into 3 equal payments. Please call the shop and we can get the First Project on its way to YOU. Club enrollment will continue through January 15!.
The second month will ship after 1/12/17!

Baah La Jolla Limited Edition Colors: Baby It's Cold & Autumn Colors

Love, love, love the Origami Yarn Bowls ~ They flatten for storage

Cups, Mugs & Yarn Bowls Galore to Celebrate OUR Craft!~

MagneButtons (lots are new)

Walker Mesh Bags & Yarn Caddy's are back in stock JUST IN TIME FOR HOLIDAY GIFT GIVING


Thursday, December 22 ~ 6-8 pm
Freebies & Resources
Enjoy Tiny Elf so cute!

Where the Sidewalk Ends Blanket Free through 12/22 @ 9pm

Cozy Ribbed Scarf in Chunky Alpaca

Sixpence Hat perfect in Rowan Pure Wool Worsted or DK

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11262 86th Avenue North
Maple Grove, MN 55369